RTK Members Only

Member Benefits

Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever.

Our RTK self-study program is for those who would like to learn more about spirituality from an African perspective specifically including topics like African Shamanism, Ancient Kemet and the Kemetic Sciences, African Holistic Health and more. Other topics within our Self-study include: Ancestral healing, African plant medicine and traditional healing, meditation and mindfulness, workshops revolving the enneagram, tools for soul transformation and guest speakers such as Root Womyn Dr. Rashon and Zola Xashimba, known by the spiritual name of Gcinithongo, a Nyanga and Shaman of the Ndiki, Ndau and Camagu healing traditions of South Africa.

  • Videos & information that have been cultivated over the years from Healers, Thought Leaders and Scholars from around the world

  • Study anywhere and at your own pace

  • New videos uploaded seasonally

  • Unlimited access to watch as much as you desire


Member Area Coming Soon

Mini Library

A Small Selection of our Favorites


  • RTK self-study is designed for those who like to go deeper within through the wisdom of African Spirituality and African Sacred Traditions.

  • Yes, RTK Self-study is designed for wherever you are on your journey. Each video is listed as beginner, intermediate or advanced in order to help assist your selections. However, feel free to select the videos that you feel most called to.

  • All sales are final and non-fundable. We encourage you to make a commitment when it comes to the self-study program.

  • Please reach out to us at contact@returntokemet.com for any questions regarding the self-study program.